Friday, July 15, 2011

day 14: okay, but how many sharpeners does he have?

Guys, I hate to keep bragging about all the marvelous sites we're seeing across the great US of A, but this had to be shared. We rolled past this sign entering Paw Paw, IL at about noon today and immediately pulled a U-turn for a photo op. It was hard not to spend the rest of the day riding around town in search of AC and his collection. So much to wonder about - mostly, what makes them so *unique*?

It was another frustrating day on the roads of Illinois, far and away the least bike-friendly state we've seen thus far. We've spent this evening planning what will hopefully be a successful break for Iowa tomorrow. Goal is Dubuque, where we'll splurge for a motel. If you know of any must-see attractions there, let us know as soon as you can!

I said this on the Twitter earlier, but its sheer bizarreness is worth repeating, I think. On three separate occasions today - breakfast, lunch, and while checking into the campground - I asked to pay with my debit card (easier than carrying and using lots of cash), and I was politely told each time that no cards were accepted. Then, I was immediately encouraged to pay with a personal check. "Have we biked to 1976?" I asked Aaron.

I should note that I'm writing this while sitting atop the washing machine at the Ruffit Park Campground outside of Rock Falls. I found an outlet where I could charge the phone in here, plus we just finished some laundry. I feel like a hobo.
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  1. GO TO Paul's Tavern in Dubuque. They have a collection of Taxidermy and $1 beers and burgers

  2. I love reading about your adventures! So glad you've found something to do besides annotations while you're on the road. Be safe out there! xx Liz
